NAZNET When people have sufficient life insurance coverage, they can rest assured that their family and their home will be taken care of well into the future. 1 . Funeral Expenses Funerals, even cremations, are expensive affairs. Having to pay final expenses out-of-pocket while you are grieving over a loved one’s death is a terrible situation. By opening a burial insurance policy, you can make sure your loved ones are not burdened financially after your passing. 2 . Debt Cover Death does not cause debts to go away. Your heirs will be left holding the bill if you die without life insurance. This could cause financial ruin to a young family with few resources. Life insurance that covers all of your debts can be an important investment in your family’s future. 3 . Business Cover If you own a business, it is wise to carry a large enough insurance policy to cover at least a year’s worth of your budget. This will keep your business afloat in the event that you pass on. Many small bus...