Life Insurance in Kenya


When people have sufficient life insurance coverage, they can rest assured that their family and their home will be taken care of well into the future.

1.Funeral Expenses

Funerals, even cremations, are expensive affairs. Having to pay final expenses out-of-pocket while you are grieving over a loved one’s death is a terrible situation.

By opening a burial insurance policy, you can make sure your loved ones are not burdened financially after your passing.

2. Debt Cover

Death does not cause debts to go away. Your heirs will be left holding the bill if you die without life insurance. This could cause financial ruin to a young family with few resources. Life insurance that covers all of your debts can be an important investment in your family’s future.

3. Business Cover

If you own a business, it is wise to carry a large enough insurance policy to cover at least a year’s worth of your budget. This will keep your business afloat in the event that you pass on.

Many small businesses go through difficult times if their owner . Life insurance can help a ensure that a business will be secure while they make the transition to different management.

4.Life Insurance for Stay at Home Parents

Stay-at-home parents should also be insured. In the event of their passing, someone will have to care for the children. If this is paid for, it will allow the surviving spouse to move forward with their life and provide for the family.

8.Savings to Borrow Against

If you have an emergency in your home such as an unexpected hospital bill or if your car stops working, you can take money out of your life insurance to pay those bills. Having the policy there gives you an extra level of financial security, even during your lifetime.

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