Why You Need Cyber Insurance

The cyber bad boys are always there looking for digital fault lines which they can  exploit.
This is why digital assets like data should be insured at all times.
Given the speed at which technology and data are spreading , insuring digital assets is not a bad idea and should always be done without failure.
What if  fire burns down your office?☺ You should be thinking about this if you own an office. You  won't be able to run your business for weeks or months. Property damage risks like fires or burglary threaten your servers, backups, and other physical data storage devices.
Such losses could bring about a slump in productivity, raise data-recovery costs or could harm a long-standing customer relationship.
That is why most Insurance Companies have come up with this policy. Cyber insurance policies can  give businesses access to qualified recovery specialists who can help them bounce back from an incident.
So what are the requirements to get this policy?
To set up a policy, the insurer will most likely want to know the risk management plan of an organisation.
They may want details about the age of an organisation’s technology, data access practices for employees, and the frequency of staff trainings to uphold good data management practices.
An insurer will most likely want to know the anti-virus and malware detection programmes in use.
Another important thing to look at is to  back up data on hard drives,always store a copy in an offsite location. That way, in case of a fire, flood or theft, you can access a copy of your data.
Sensitive data must also be encrypted at all times.
Organisations should spare no effort to protect their data — including investing in insurance covers.

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